After my last post several people expressed concerns that I may relapse and start back into my old habits of eating to make myself feel better, but this is far from true! I DO NOT EVER want to be that fat girl again, and those nagging voices have made me work harder in fact I lost 3 pounds since that last blog. 3 pounds may not seem like a lot, but I had been stuck at the same weight for months without moving so any weight loss is good! I know in my heart of hearts that I look better, that I am healthier and that I am an amazing person. It's just some days that fat girl rears her ugly head and whispers to me that I am not good enough, that I am not pretty , beautiful or sexy or whatever. I just have to shut her out and know how far I've come and that YES I am all those things, even if the fat girl voice wants me to think otherwise or if people in my life can't see the beauty in me either!